Four Yugas in Sanatan Dharma - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Four Yugas in Sanatan Dharma

Interesting Facts about Four Yugas Described in Sanatan Dharma

We all know that time has no end so in Hinduism or Four Yugas in Sanatan Dharma has been described which continues one after another. These four ages together complete a cycle that we can call a Chatur-Yuga. The height of a man in every age, his age of life, age of Yuga, God's incarnation, the balance of sin and virtue, the relationship between man and woman, intercourse will be different in every Yuga which you may find very strange.  These four Yuga are as follow

1. Satya-Yuga
2. Treta-Yuga
3. Dvapera-Yuga
4. Kali-Yuga 

These four Yuga constitute one Cycle which we call a Chatur-Yuga, which is equal to 12,000  God years. Many times people ask a question that Yuga will start after Kali-Yuga so for then Satya-Yugas will come after Kali-Yuga. So let's just know the difference between Four Yugas and their strange and unknown Facts.


Satya-Yuga History and Facts

Satya-Yuga is the first Yuga which is one of the biggest Yuga. As the name suggests This was the Yuga of truth. All the Avatars of Lord Vishnu in this Yuga was Non-Human. Let's know some other interesting facts about Satya-Yuga.

First Yuga                     -   This is the very first Yuga from where the cycle starts.

Age  of Satya-Yuga       -   Age of Satya-Yuga is said to be 17 lac and 28 thousand years

Age of human beings -   Human age at the beginning of Satya-Yuga was 1,00,000 years and degrading with time up to 10,000 years at the end of Satya-Yuga.

Height of Humans        - Human's normal height in Satya-Yuga was up-to 32 feet.

Pilgrimage of this era   -  Pushkar is the pilgrimage of this era.

Amount of Sin               -  Amount of Sin in Satya-Yuga is 0 %.
Amount of Saintly        -   Amount of Sin in Satya-Yuga is 100 %.

God's Incarnation        -   Matasyavatar, Vrahavatar, Kurmavatar, and Narsimhavatar. these are the 4 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Satya-Yuga to maintain the peace and saintly on earth.

The currency of Satya-Yuga  -   Currency of Satya-Yuga was Gemstones, precious Garlands, etc.

Utensils                             -    Utensils of Satya-Yuga was of Gold.

The relation between Man and woman -  There were no rules or laws of any kind for the interaction and relationship between men and women in the Satya-Yuga. Humans have naturally inclined towards self-improvement and inner growth and naturally formed relationships in a healthy, responsible, and loving manner. Relationships were made with more than one person at the same time because of love in everyone's mind. There was no place for Sin.

Treta-Yuga's Interesting Facts

This Yuga starts with the end of Satya-Yuga, so basically it is the second Yuga named Treta-Yuga. In Treta-Yuga there were so many changes compared to Satya-Yuga. To find out the Difference by analysis.

Second Yuga                     -   This is the second Yuga starts with the end of Satya-Yuga.

Age of Treta-Yuga           -   Age of Treta-Yuga is said to be 12 lac and 96 thousand years.

Age of human beings -   Human age at the beginning of Treta-Yuga was 10,000 years and degrading with time up to 1000 years at the end of Treta-Yuga.

Height of Humans        - Human's normal height in Treta-Yuga was up-to 21 feet.

Pilgrimage of this era   -  Neimisharanya is the pilgrimage of this era.

Amount of Sin               -  Amount of Sin in Treta-Yuga is 25 %.
Amount of Saintly         -  Amount of Sin in Treta-Yuga is 75 %.

God's Incarnation         -  Wamanavtar, Parshurama, and  Rama.

The currency of Treta-Yuga  -   Currency of Treta-Yuga was Gold, precious Garlands, etc.

Utensils                             -    Utensils of Treta-Yuga was of Silver.

The relation between man and woman -  In Treta Yuga, such conventions started which we call wedding ceremony. There is a lot of difference between Treta Yuga's wedding and today's marriage. In this era, women could marry multiple man and men could marry many women, it was very common. In this era rules were made for marriage for the union of woman and man. 

Dvapera-Yuga interesting facts

After the end of Treta-Yuga, Dvapera-Yuga Starts. In this Yuga both Sins and Saintly were equal and hence in this Yuga we had witnessed Mahabharata one of the Famous Mahakavya that happened in Dvapera-Yuga. So let's find out the interesting facts of Dvapera-Yuga.

Third Yuga                       -   This is the third Yuga that starts with the end of Treta-Yuga.

Age of Dvapera-Yuga     -   Age of Dvapera-Yuga is said to be 8 lac and 64 thousand years.

Age of human beings -   Human age at the beginning of Dvapera-Yuga was 1000 years.

Height of Humans        - Human's normal height in Dvapera-Yuga was up-to 11 feet.

Pilgrimage of this era   -  Kurukshetra is the pilgrimage of Dvapera-Yuga where Mahabharata battle took place.

Amount of Sin               -  Amount of Sin in Dvapera-Yuga is 50 %.
Amount of Saintly         -  Amount of Sin in Dvapera-Yuga is 50 %.

God's Incarnation         -  Lord Krishna, Gautama Buddha 

The currency of Dvapera-Yuga  -   Currency of Dvapera-Yuga was Silver.

Utensils                             -    Utensils of Dvapera-Yuga was of  Bronze.

The relation between man and woman -  In Dvapera-Yuga, man could marry many women but Women couldn't marry many men as compare to Treta-Yuga. But as we all Know that in Dvapera-Yuga, Draupadi married to 5 Pandavas was an exception. In this Yuga man and woman, the union was easier and hence this Yuga is witnessed women exploitation a lot. 

Kali-Yuga interesting Facts 

In this time cycle, Kali-Yuga is the last Yuga and the worst one as Sin is at the peak in this Yuga. This is the Yuga in which we all are living right now. So let's just know more about Kali-Yuga.

Fourth Yuga                     -   This is the last and smallest Yuga duration wise.

Age of Kali-Yuga             -   Age of Kali-Yuga is said to be 4 lac and 48 thousand years.

Age of human beings -   Human age at the beginning of  Kali-Yuga was 100 years and degrading with time up to 20 years at the end of Kali-Yuga.

Height of Humans        - Human's normal height in Kali-Yuga was up-to 7 feet and the end of this Yuga will remain 3.5 feet only.

Pilgrimage of this era   -  Ganga is the pilgrimage of this era.

Amount of Sin               -  Amount of Sin in Kali-Yuga is 75 %.
Amount of Saintly         -  Amount of Sin in Kali-Yuga is 25 %.

God's Incarnation         -  Kalki Avatar 

The currency of Kali-Yuga-Yuga  -   Currency of Kali-Yuga was Plastic Notes, Digital money, etc.

Utensils                             -    Utensils of Kali-Yuga was of Steel.

The relation between Man and woman -  Kali-Yuga is the most Sinful Yuga in all the four stated above. In this Yuga People's thinking is totally opposite to that of Satya-Yuga. Both men and Women are selfish in this Yuga. Humans will become emotion-less and more practical. Crime, murder, rapes these activities will raise slowly to their peak. Women will not feel safe alone. Both man and women will cheat each other in relationships.

So these are the Four Yugas described in Sanatan Dharma. Now you guys must imagine how people will live in these Yuga and what kind of life it would be without the internet, Television, No cellphones. 
But one thing is true that in other Yugas it is easy to meditate and concentrate as there was less detraction compared to the present situation. 

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