Who was Rishi Jamadagni - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Who was Rishi Jamadagni

Who was Rishi Jamadagni

Most of us are aware of Parshurama but rarely know Who was Rishi Jamadagni. So today we will share Rishi Jamadagni's life with you all.
Jamadagni Rishi was a sage who was the son of Bhriguvanshi Ritik and who is counted among the Saptarishis.

According to the Puranas, his wife was Renuka, and his ashram was on the banks of the Saraswati River. He and Renuka had five sons - 'Rukmavan', 'Sukhane', 'Vasu', 'Vishwanas', and 'Parshurama'. Vaishakh Shukla Tritiya was born in his fifth famous son Pradoshkal who is known as Parashurama. On the strength of his tenacity, he received the knowledge of increasing the power of speech from the Sun. Devaraj Indra was pleased by doing hard penance on the banks of the Ganges and had received Kamadhenu from him.

Rishi Jamadagni  a Saptarishi, Parshurama's Father, Story of Rishi Jamadagni
Rishi Jamadagni


Jajnapur village is situated 24 km northeast of Kaithal in Haryana.

Here was the ashram of Maharishi Jamadagni. Now a lake is in remnant form. Here on the tenth of the Shukla Paksha of every month, a fair is organized. In the tradition of Maharishi Jamadagni, Baba Sadhu Ram has done penance and sacrificed his body.

That place is worshiped as the Samadhi of Baba Sadhu Ram. Even today, this lake is considered to be a special thing that after filling water in it, there is a sound of blows.

According to Janushruti Maharishi Jamadagni was the son of Ritchik and father of Lord Parashurama. In his ashram, there was a cow to provide the desired fruits which Kartavirya snatched away and took his capital to Mahishmati. When Parshuram came to know of this, he killed Kartavirya and brought Kamdhenu back to the ashram, and one day he took the opportunity to kill the sons of Kirtavirya and wandered all over the earth and killed the Kshatriyas twenty-one times, then he took his father's head Connected to the torso and performed his funeral in Mahur, District- Nanded Maharashtra. The ancient temple of Mata Renuka is established here and is considered one of the major Shaktipeeths.

Made five kunds in the Kurukshetra land and offered the ancestors. These five Sarovars became known as Samant Panchak-Tirtha. The one who is called Brahma Ji Uttar Vedi is this Samanat Pancham Tirtha.

It is written in the Vamana Purana that the name Samant Panchak extends to five places around the shrine. Probably one of the five Kundas established by Parashuram is the site of Kund Jajanpur.

Parashuram Kund is situated on the banks of Lohit River in Arunachal Pradesh. According to mythology, Parashurama came here to get freedom from the sin of killing his mother Renuka. After bathing in this pool, he was freed from the sin of killing the mother.

There is a mythological legend in this context that for some reason Parshuram's father Rishi Jamadagni became angry at his wife Renuka. He immediately ordered his sons to kill Renuka. But no son was prepared to follow his orders.

Parashurama was a patriot when the father told him, he severed the mother's head from his trunk.

Pleased with this obedience, when the father asked to ask for the bride, Parashuram requested the mother to be alive. On this, the sage Jamadagni revived Renuka with his Tapobal.

Renuka became alive but Parashurama was filled with self-aggression due to her attempt to kill her mother. Although the mother had risen alive, she was so obsessed with the guilt of attacking the mother that she even asked the father for the remedy of atonement for her sin.

According to mythological passages, the sage Jamadagni then instructed his son Parashurama to go to the place where he did penance and meditate.

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