Parshurama Jayanti - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Parshurama Jayanti

Parshurama Jayanti 

On 26 April we celebrate Parshurama Jayanti. We celebrate Lord Parashuram Jayanti on the third of the bright fortnight of Baisakh month. Parshurama was considered 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
On this occasion let us know more about him.

Who was Parshurama

Parashurama is mentioned in both the Mahakavya Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Parshurama's mother's name was Renuka and father Maharishi Jamadagni. Parshurama's original name was Rama. Many people keep asking who was Parshurama's ancestors, let those people know that Parshurama was a celibate although he has 4 elder brothers. In Hinduism there were 7 immortals described, Parshurama is one of them.



Who was Parshurama Mantor

Parshurama's primary education were conducted by his father then Maharishi Richiek tought him political, social and spiritual knowledge. After this he went to kailash for martial arts training from Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was very pleased with Parashurama and pleased with his devotion to his Guru, he gifted Parashurama an axe. and this is how Rama became Parshurama.

Why He killed his mother

Once  mother Renuka was returning after taking bath. Coincidentally, he saw King Chitraratha taking a bath. Seeing the king, Renuka had a disorder in his mind. When she reached the ashram, Maharishi Jamadagni read Renuka's mind and ordered his all five sons one by one to one but no body follow him except Parshurama.
Parshuram then beheaded Mata Renuka with his ax. Seeing this, Father Jamadagni was very happy with the obedience he showed.and said Parashurama to ask for a boon. Parshuram spoke of boon to raise his mother alive. Parshurama's father set her alive and fulfilled his son's wish.


Why did Parashurama kill Kartavirya Arjuna.

Sahastrabahu's original name was Kartavirya Arjuna. He was very majestic and brave. He pleased his Guru Dattatreya and received thousands of arms from him as a boon. Kartavirya was also known as Arjuna Sahastrabahu because of having thousands of arms. He had attained all the attainments. 

Once Sahastrabahu was passing through the jungle with the army. There was an ashram of sage Jamadagni in that forest. Sahastrabahu stayed to rest in the ashram of sage Jamadagni. By grace of Kamadhenu cow, sage Jamadagni gave a royal welcome to Sahastrabahu and the soldiers. 

There Sahastrabahu asked for his Kamadhenu cow after knowing her powers from Parashurama's father Jamadagni. On the refusal of Jamadagni, his soldiers took Kamdhenu with them by force. Later, Parashuram became aware of the whole incident, then he single-handedly destroyed all the army of Sahastrabahu and also killed Sahastrabahu.

Why did Parashurama kill the Kshatriya 21 times

After his fathers death ,son of Arjuna killed Jamadagni and burnt whole ashram and people living there. later when Parshurama came her mother told him the story and was crying. By seeing his father's dead body Parshurama got very angry and sworn to kill all the kshatriya who involved in this brutal act. 
After this, he had cleared the earth from the Kshatriya's continuously one after the other 21 times but 22th time when he met Lord Rama in Sita's swayamver. Ram take this bow, if you can fix the arrow on this bow of Vishnu, you will eradicate my doubt and I will recognize you.He saw a warrior with good qualities, he then stopped killing kings and warriors.

Parashurama kill Kartavirya Arjuna

Why did Parshurama not stay on the land

After Killing warriors again and again ,Parshurama handover the whole land to Guru Kashayap.  Then he ordered him that from now on wards you can't stay in my land. Then after he never stayed on land and went to Mahendragiri Parvat. 

Who had  defeated Parshurama in battle

It was in Dwaperyuga, When Pitamah Bhishma refused the offer to marry Amba then see went to Bhargav Parshurama and urged him to tell his student that he would marry her. To this Parshurama called Bhishma and ordered him to marry Amba but he refused as he has given his words that he would be celibate in this life. 

Parshurama then said Bhishma that if you won't marry her then you have to fight with me. Bhishma said like Guru's command and they start fighting but at last Bhishma defeated his Mentor. Parshurama was feeling proud of his student and blessed him.

Who was Parshurama favorite disciple

Parshurama tought so many youngsters but after Bhishma he only tought Brahmans so that they could defend themselves. But one day Surya Putra Karna went to Parshurama as a brahman as urged him to be his mentor. Bhargav Parshurama agreed and started teaching him. 
Karna  pleased Parashuram with his Guru devotion. Parashuram said that Karna my life has been blessed that why I have got a worthy disciple like you.


Parshurama favorite disciple

Why Parshurama cursed Karna

Karna's guru were resting by placing his head at Karna's thy. Suddenly an insect came and start biting in Karna's leg. It was very painful but he didn't want to disturb his mentor so he stayed calm and bear the pain. But because of the blood flow and heat of the body Parshurama awoke and he saw Karna tolerating the pain.

Parshurama said Karna that lied to me that you are a brahman because a Brahmin does not have such tolerance. You are a Kshatriya, you have hidden from me the truth, so I curse you, you will need my knowledge the most, then you will forget everything.

All the above information are as per my Knowledge and what i have read. Hope you will love it.

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