Karna marriage: two girls were made life partners - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Karna marriage: two girls were made life partners

Karna marriage: two girls were made life partner

Mahabharata! It was not only a great war, but a Mahakavya of many mysteries, stories and vengeance. There was a story behind every warrior standing in the Kurukshetra field, who made him a part of this bloodshed. There are some names in this crowd of knights who were with evil, but their honor is still alive in the society. This list of names includes Surya-putra Karna. He was the most ignorant character by God in Mahabharata but perhaps God wants to send a massage to mankind that no matter where you come from but its your Karma who will decide what would be your future and how this world remember you.

A sutputra, who came to know of his family at the last moment, when Krishna introduce him to himself. who endured a lifetime of humiliation, who was a true friend of Duryodhana, who could become a good brother, a skilled warrior and a capable son! But destiny was playing some other game. Although in my previous blog i have mentioned about Karna married life but this particular blog based on his married life only.

However, his personal life is still surrounded by secrets. This is the secret of Karna's marriage. History testifies that Karna wanted to marry Draupadi but the stain of being a sutputra swallowed his dream. But it is not that Karna has not found her soul mate. After separating from Draupadi, Karna got married, not one but two beautiful womans both were sut kanyas.

Karna's first wife

It was the time when karna along with Duryodhan attended Draupadi's swayamvar. While no one was able to pick up the bow then Karna stood and picked up the bow and was ready to pierce the fish eye then Draupadi interrupt in between by saying that she will not marry a Charioteer's son. It was like an arrow pierced his chest but he was a noble man as well so he put down the bow as it was initially later on we all know that after Karna there was only one more person who could fulfill Drupads condition and got married with Draupadi. Along with the indignity of insulted by Draupadi, there was also a pain of losing her.

Karna's wife

Seeing his son thus surrounded with sorrows, Adhiratha started searching for a girl for his marriage. Then she remembered Rushali, sister of Duryodhana's Sarathi Satyasen. She was a very character-possessed daughter.

Since there were no social barriers, Adhirath asked Karna to marry Rushali. How could Karna refuse his father's orders, so he agreed to the marriage and Vrushali became Karna's first wife.

Karna's Second wife - Padmawati

Padmawati's story is quite a famous one as it is also a part of Famous TV series Known as BR Chopra's Mahabharata. There were two heroines in this story, of which Karna married one. In fact, Asanwari, daughter of King Chitravat, and her maid Dhyumtsen's  Kanya Padmavati (whom people have also named Supriya), went out for a forest trip one day.

Only then the soldiers of the enemy country attacked her. Seeing Asanwari's life in distress, Padmavati came out and got hurt. Karna was going from the same path, knowing the two girls in danger, he helped and killed the enemy soldiers with their arrows. During this, he himself was also get injured.

Padmavati did not delay and put the princess and Karna in the chariot. After leaving the princess in their palace, she came to her house with Karna. Where Vaidya treated him.

When Karna opened his eyes, he found Padmavati in front of him. The two were talking about the said incident when a soldier came from the palace and told Karna that King Chitravat is very grateful to you. They want you to stay in their palace. When Karna reached the palace, Princess Asanwari welcomed him.

An unintended relationship was formed between Karna and Asanwari. Both minds started to like each other. On the other hand, Padmavati also started liking Karna. Asanwari did not speak her mind to anyone other than Padmavati. So she told Padmavati that she likes Karna. On hearing this, Padmavati hided her feelings in her mind.

At the same time, when Karna was recuperating, he prepared to leave the palace. Then King Chitravat told him that you have protected my daughter, you can ask for whatever you want in return.

Karna asked for the hand of Princess Asanwari without delay. Hearing this, King Chitravat became angry. He said that I have full faith in your valor but society and caste system is also something. I will not marry my daughter with a charioteer's son. This was the second time when the marriage proposal was rejected due to Karna's sutputra.

 then went to the Asanwari and asked her if she also love him then see simply deny by saying that she can't marry against her father's wish. Karna left empty-handed from there, but the mind was filled with anger. The king announced the swayamvara of Asanwari without delay. Karna suddenly reached this swayamvar. Seeing which King Chitravat became angry again.

All the princes present in the meeting said that if the sutputra will join this swayamvara, then we will not take part. Karna challenged them and defeated all the princes one after the other. Both Asanwari and Padmavati were present there. Asanwari expressed her desire to marry Karna in front of everyone, but Karna rejected her.

Karna said that you are doing this by being excited by the performance of my power. I do not need your kindness. After this he reached Padmavati and said that I need love. Padmavati saw Karna and understood his intention. Karna handed Asanwari's groom Mala to Padmavati and both got married there.

Karna's sons

Karna received nine sons from these two wives. The names of Karna's sons were Vrishsen, Vrishketu, Chitrasen, Satyasen, Sushen, Shatrunjaya, Dwipat, Prasen and Bansen. All of them took part in the Mahabharata war on behalf of the Kauravas. Prasen died at the hands of Satyaki, Shatrunjaya, Vrishsen and Dwipat were killed by Arjuna, Bansen's Bhima, Chitrasen, Satyasen and Sushen by Nakula in Mahabharata battle.

Vrishketu was the only son who survived. There is a story that when the Pandavas came to know about Karna that he was his brother, Yudhishthira gave the kingdom of Indraprastha to Karna's son Vrishketu. 

Who kidnapped Karna's wife Padmavati and why?

This incident is about the time when Emperor Yudhishthira performed the Ashwamedha Yagna.  Anushalav kidnapped  Padmavati and the horse. But his intentions were not to harm her but he wants to see lord Krishna's Vishwaroop, the great form of Lord Krishna and later on when Krishna appears in his Vishwaroop, Anushalva confess his crime and intention.
He set free Padmawati and Pandavas forgave him for his crime.

Also see Karna's 6 big donation who made him Daanveer

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