Earth day 2020 - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth day 2020

Earth day 2020

Today we are celebrating Earth day 2020 on 22 April. This is the 50th earth day we are celebrating.  Although this years celebration is quite different as we can't gathered altogether like we have done in past as world is suffering by a pandemic Covid-19.

Earth day 2020
Earth day 2020

Earth Day is celebrated every year to make people aware of the preservation of the Earth and its environment. On this day, people thank their precious life and the things given by nature to keep it running smoothly.

Why celebrate Earth day  

The question is why there is any need to celebrate Earth day? The reason is very simple because we neither care nor bothered about the environment. Nature has provided us everything we required to make out life healthy and joyful. We take from it whatever and whenever we want as per our requirement but never think to pay it back. 
In 1970 first time a few people realized that nature need to be take care seriously other wise our coming generation would not witness the beauty of nature but would see its adverse effect on their health. 

Save Earth

Save Earth

The more we are progressing in technology, infrastructure telecommunication etc.,  more we are lacking the awareness of nature's safety.  Progress at a cost of lost nature can't be expected. 

We are the guests on Mother Earth and it is our moral responsibility that we must handover this to the coming generation as it or in a better condition as it was given to us by our ancestors so that the coming generation does not blame us.

Theme of Earth Day 2020    

Every years its up-to us what theme we wanted for our Earth day celebration but this year mother nature itself chose the theme i.e., "I can take care of my self if you can't" and see all  the human beings are prisoner today in their own big houses which they built Nature;s wound.  These days when i go up to the roof i see lot of bird flying, sky looks so beautiful and of course at night we see stars which earlier din't see as i live in d\Delhi.

Earth day 2020

Earth day 2020

The revers for which many of the socialist showed their concern on regular period of time are cleaned up automatically as their is no one today to throw dirty waste in it.

How to celebrate Earth day 2020    

The best way to celebrate Earth day 2020 is to teach your younger about nature's benefit and out to take care for it. Also if possible grow some plants in the surrounding, avoid the use of polythene how much possible, and use online medium to educate others as well. 
As i also write on Mahabharata so remember a massage from yudhisthira about Mother nature i.e., "We should take from Mother nature as much as we can pay back".
So lets pledge today we will not unnecessarily harm our Environment. We will care it as we care about our-self and our beloved ones so that Mother nature blessed us with valuable resources.


1. Mother earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Mother earth.
2. If you care for mother earth it will fulfill your life with infinite beauty.
3. Try to leave the earth a better place than when you arrived.
4. Love mother earth as you love to yourself.
5. Mother nature always cares for us let us return the favor by preserving and protecting it. 

Earth day 2020

Earth day 2020

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