Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata

Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata

Behind the victory of Pandavas in Mahabharata Battle there were two main reasons, first was Krishna (who was the charioteer of Arjuna) and 2nd was Arjuna. Arjuna was one of the best archers at that time. He was the best Disciple of mentor Draunacharya. He was the one who can use a bow with both hands. He had broken several bows during battles and because of these abilities and achievements he got several other names.

Mahabharata Battle could not be a win without these two. Although Krishna was only the Charioteer it was his guidance and support from time to time who keep Arjuna motivated and whenever he would have confused Krishna removed his misconception and boast him up. So following Krishna was the only Vijay mantra because of which Pandavas won the battle.

Arjuna' Birth story

When Pandu failed to produce a child, Kunti reminded him of a boon. Kunti was given a boon by Maharishi Durvasa in which Kunti could invoke any God and get children from those deities. Pandu and Kunti used this boon and invoked Dharmaraja, Vayu, and Indra Devta. Thus Arjuna was the son of Indradev.

Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata
Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata

Different Names

There are several names on his different had given to Arjuna for ability and achievements. the names are as follows.

1. ParanTapa -       This names meaning is the one whose concentration is very high.
2. Jishnu  -             Means the one who destroyed his enemies, conqueror of Enemies.
3. Paarth -              His mother Kunti's original name was Pritha so he was called Pratha. Krishna generally called him with this name.
4. Shwetavahana - As we know that Arjuna has a chariot presented by Varundev With white Horses, so he was named Shwetavahana.
5. Vibhastu -          When he battles, he used to creates scenes of terror in war, that's why he was called Vibhastu.
6. Gudukesha -       One who can conquer sleep.
7. Savyasachee -    This name is given to him because of his ability to use both the hand to fight.
8. Gandivadhara -  This name was because of his bow Gandiva which was also presented by Varun dev after the request of Agni Deva to fight with Indra.
9. Dhananjay -       This name was given to him for his skill conquering the bows.
10. Phaalgun -       This is name is given to him because he was born when the Uttara Phaalgunee was in ascent.
11.  Keeriti -          Keeriti name happened because India presents him a crown when he was in heaven with him.
12. Vijay -             As he never gets defeated in battles.

Martial art Education

He was a dear disciple of Draunacharya who also learned scripture from Parashurama. While doing penance in the Himalayas, Arjuna fought with the Kirat  Shiva (in a Disguised form). From Shiva, he received Pashupatastra. Varun gave him a Gandive bow and Akshay Tunir and a huge chariot named Nandighosh.

Arjuna had special expertise in archery. He is considered the best archer in the world. Once, Guru Dronacharya had tested all the Kuru princes. He had to target the eye of the bird sitting on the tree. He asked all his students one by one what you see. Everyone failed to answer correctly accept Arjuna who said that I am not able to see anything but the eye of the bird and by the order of his mentor he hit the target.

Read More about Dronacharya

Once Dronacharya once went to bathe in the Ganga with his disciples, a crocodile caught Dronacharya's foot bathing in the river. Guru Drona shouted for his protection. In such a situation, Arjuna killed the crocodile with five arrows. The Guru became enraged by this skill of Arjuna and blessed him to be the great archer of the earth. Arjuna pleased Lord Shiva with his archery and also got Divya-Astra.

 Arjuna's Guru-Bhakti

Arjuna did a lot of respect for his mentor and always follow what his guru ordered him. So after finishing his teachings his mentor asked for Guru-Dakshina (Kind of thanksgiving). King Drupada of Panchal, who was also a childhood friend of Guru Drona, once did not recognize Guru Dronacharya and insulted him. Stung by this insult, Guru Drona decided to take revenge on Drupada.  Guru Drona said: “Who will arrest the Panchal king Drupada and bring him before me? Whoever does this will be my Guru-Dakshina. "

The Kauravas and the Pandavas were competing about this thing as soon as they received the Guru's order. Prince Kaurava arrived with his army, but he was defeated by Veer Panchalas. Arjuna predicted the entire situation. After that Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva entered into Drupada's array of composition. His charioteer was injured with extraordinary quickness and cleverness of Arjuna. Drupada was captured and offered his guru-Dakshina to Guru Drona.

Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata
Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata

How Arjuna get Gandiv Bow and Akshay Tunir

This was during the time when Indraprastha was the capital of the Pandavas. Someday Lord Krishna was going to stay in Indraprastha. At the same time, the God of Fire Agni dev developed a rare disease, possibly caused by the consumption of ghee (clarified butter) as a king performed many 'yajna' (rituals with fire which enhances the fire and it become unbearable by Agnidev).

The cure for the same was possible if Agni Dev could burn down the Khandava forest, as well as its inhabitants in totality. Takshak was a serpent who was a friend of Indra, he lived in the Khandava forest, so whenever Agni Dev tried to destroy the forest, Indra caused rain to save Takshak Naga, consequently, Agni Dev could not do it. Takshak Naga was the same Naga who went to Karna after losing his house, he sat on Karna's arrow when Karna used Nagashakti against Arjuna, Arjuna was saved by Lord Krishna during the battle.

Lord Krishna and Arjuna were traveling to the Khandava forest when Agni Dev sought help from Arjuna to destroy the forest and comfort him to recover it. Lord and Arjuna agreed to help Agni Dev. Soon  Agni Dev began to remove the forest, at the same time Indra Dev rained heavily in the forest. Arjuna fired some arrow towards the sky to stop the rain. This triggered a war between Arjuna and Indra, soon Indra started attacking Arjuna with powerful weapons because the human Arjuna was not able to deal with them. 

Arjuna then told Agnidev that he needs a powerful weapon by which I can counter Indradev. Agni Deva thus invoked Varuna Deva, the God of the sea, and gave Arjuna an exceptionally powerful bow, which certainly gave victory to his user in battle, Varun Deva bestowed on Arjuna two unintelligible quivers (meaning Akshay Tarkash). This Akshay Tarkash never got empty with arrows. Also Varun Dev blessed Arjuna with a divine chariot called Nandighosh, which had powerful white horses that did not get tired and could not be injured with normal weapons.

Arjuna, riding on Nandighosh, becomes invincible with Akshay Tunir and Gandiv in hand, asks Agni Dev to take down Khandav forest. Arjuna had fought with his father for several days and nights. In the end Indra conceded defeat, as he cannot destroy the umbrella of the bow made by Arjuna, Arjuna and Krishna were declared the victors. Then the Khandava forest was started burning. Thus Arjuna and Krishna along with their inhabitants assisted Agni Dev in consuming the forest, which cured the disease of Agni and thus restored sound health.

Arjuna had the most powerful weapon at that time, it is said that Lord Krishna had no mortal but Arjuna could have dropped the bow. The power of Gandiva is such that once Arjuna faced Lord Shiva with this great Gandiva and he faced many battles and at the same time defeated a large number of enemies. This produced strong vibrations from its penetrations, causing heavy destruction to the enemies. When fired, Dhanush made a thunderous sound. After the war, at the Shavaraghohan festival, Agni Dev reappears in front of Arjuna and asks him to deposit Gandiva with the chariot and chariot for Varun Dev. 

Arjuna's wives and sons

Many times it is the query by the people that how many wives and sons Arjuna had? So here is the Answer.

Arjuna had four wives. HIS first wife was Divya-Janma Draupadi whom he married after winning the Swayamver when he targets the fish eye as per the condition of Kind Drupada. Draupadi gave birth to a son named Surtakarma.

Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata_piercing_fish_eye
Arjuna- Best-Archer-Mahabharata_piercing_fish_eye

Arjuna's second wife was Subhadra who married Arjuna with the help of Krishna. Arjuna got a son from Subhadra whose name was Abhimanyu. Later on he was known for his bravery in Mahabharata battle.

Arjuna's third wife was princess Chitrangda ( Princess of Manipur). Both get married and Arjuna got his 3rd son named Vabhuvahana, who killed his father Arjuna during battle.

Arjuna got one more wife named Ullupi, she was a Naag Kanya fro Naagloka. Arjuna and Ullupi gave birth to a son named Iravana.

Apsara Urvashi's curse or boon to Arjuna

By Krishna's command, Arjuna went to austerity to obtain divine weapons. He got 'Pashupatastra' by pleasing Lord Shankara (Shiva) with his tenacity. Other Lokpalis also pleased and gave their respective divisions to them. At the same time Devraj came to bring Indra's charioteer Matali with him. Sitting on it, he went to heaven and defeated the malevolent Asuras of the gods. At the same time, he learned the art of dancing and singing from Chitrasen Gandharva.

One day Arjuna sat on his throne with Indra. Devraj noticed that Parth's eyesight was on Urvashi Apsara dancing in Devsabha. Indra understood that Arjuna was enamored with that nymph. To please the mighty Dhananjay, he gave a message to Urvashi to go to Arjuna in the night by Chitrasen Gandharva in solitude. Urvashi was already fascinated by Arjuna's grand appearance and great might. She was very happy to get Indra's message. On the same day in the moonlight night, she came to Arjuna after decorating herself with clothes. Arjuna welcomed him with respect.

 Urvashi was able to easily distract the great ascetic-sages, she was given by Lord Narayana the best beauty in heaven, in solitude she went to Arjuna at night. He expressed his lust by saying the message of Indra. Arjun did not have any disorder in his mind. He said- "Mother! You have been the wife of Mahara Pururava, the ancestor of our Purvansh. Our dynasty has gone from you. I was looking at you in Devsabha as the mother of Bharatkul and I bowed to you in my mind. To understand Devaraja I made a mistake. I am just like your son. Forgive me. "

Urvashi was Kammohita. She explained a lot that heavenly nymphs are not anyone's wife. All the heavenly people have the right to consume them. But Arjuna's mind was unstoppable. He said- "Devi! You should listen to what I say, all directions, and all the gods. Just as mother Kunti and Madri are worshiped for me, you are also my mother." I bow to your feet. " Angered, Urvashi cursed Arjuna to be impotent for a year. Later on this cursed proved a boon to Arjuna. When on there 13 years of exile, they all had worked as a servant for King Virat (Ruler of Matsya Desh)

Arjuna's Virat battle

This happened when Mahabali Keechak was Killed by Bheema as he was trying to molest Draupadi. Karna was shocked when he came to know that Keechak has no more. he immediately told Duryodhan that there are only 6 people who can kill him in one on one fight namely pitamah Bhishma, Dronacharya, Duryodhan, Guru Parshuram, myself (Karna) or Bheema. So they doubted there presence and Attacked on Matasya dynasty. When this happened King Virat was not available to answer back so his son (Uttar) get the command in his hand and ready to fight with the Kaurava army. 

Know more About Bhishma

When he was taking permission to his mother, Draupadi requested him to take Brahanla (Arjuna) with him, so he started laughing that what she will do there but after insisting, again and again, he got ready and left the palace for battle.

When reaching the Battle point, Uttar saw a huge army in front of his eyes, He started shaking and tried to run away but Arjuna stopped him and said running away from war is cowardice and you are not a coward. Uttar said Brahanla how could I alone defeat this army who is so huge that its other end is not visible, then Arjuna said I'll fight in place of you and you will be my charioteer.

Then he asked the prince to take the chariot near to a tree and told him to climb on to the tree and bring whatever was there. He came back with a lot of weapons folded in a cloth and asked Brahanla whose weapons are these? I am afraid to even look at these. Then Arjun told him the truth about what they are actually and started the battle with Kaurava Army and defeated all the warriors one by one and take out their Supporting clothes (Angvastra) except Pitamah Bhishma and returned to the palace.

How Arjuna Killed Jayadratha in Mahabharata Battle

First let me clear a little background for you to understand easily. Jayadratha was the brother in law of Kauravas and Pandavas as he was married to Dushala (Duryodhana's sister). When Pandavas were wandering in the forest due to 12 years of exile, one day when looking at Draupadi alone, Jayadratha tried to kidnap him, but he failed and Pandavas shaved his head and left him alive. To avenge this insult, he did penance to Shiva and got a boon from him that one day in his life he would be powerful enough that except Arjuna he will conquer all four brothers.
He also has one more boon Given by his own father that whoever tries to kill him he will also get killed as when your head strikes to the ground your enemy's head will also blast.


Once After 10 days of Mahabharata battle, Dronacharya composed the Chakravyuh to take Yudhishthira captive. the plan was to take away Arjuna as he was the one who can destroy Chakravyuh alone.  The same thing happened Arjuna was engaged in fighting with others and carried away by following their enemies on the other hand Dronacharya formed Chakraviyuh. All the Pandavas Afraid as no one knows how to break this. Then Abhimanyu came ahead and said I can break it and enter but I don't know how to come out from it. 

At first Yudhisthira hesitate as He was a young kid but later on they decide that along with Abhimanyu they all enter in Chakraviyuh. They all break 5 doors but when Abhimanyu broke the 6th door, Jayadratha didn't allow other Pandavas to enter and Abhimanyu gets killed due to lack of knowledge (how to break the last door to come out). 

When Arjuna came to know this then he takes a pledge that Either he will kill Jayadratha by tomorrow evening or he will take the tomb in the fire. The next day to save Jayadratha Guru Draunacharya composed Kamalviyuh (shape like lotus who has many layers). Arjuna was searching and defeating everyone coming before him for a fight but was unable to find Jayadratha.

When Lord Krishna saw that he couldn't find Jayadratha this way and Arjuna was required to win Kurukshetra (Mahabharata battle took place in Kurukshetra)  battle, so did a trick just a few minutes before the sunset Lord Krishna created such an illusion that it felt as if the sunset had occurred and all the Kauravas started celebration and Jayadratha also came out to see Arjuna die. Then suddenly sun again start shining and Krishna told Arjuna that makes sure Jayadratha's head should not be touch to the ground otherwise his head would also blast. So Arjuna Shoot the arrow with such power that Jayadratha head straight went down in his father's lap and as soon as Jayadratha's father got scared of it and got up, Jayadratha's head hit the ground and his father's head also exploded.

13 Little known Facts About Duryodhana

Arjuna's Death

Although Arjuna's death happened when All Pandavas decide to leave the dynasty and departed to heaven. One by one all the Pandavas died one by one except Yudhisthira. But Arjuna was a special case as he died earlier also while battling with his own son. although they both were unaware of this fact.

This happened when Yudhisthira initiates Ashwamedha Yagna and they left a horse and fro the protection of that horse Arjuna followed it. Most of the kings accept the friendship of Hastinapura and those who denied Arjuna fight with those and defeated them and moved on. 

This horse then went to Manipur whose king was Vrabhuvahan who was the son of Chitrangda and Arjuna but his mother never told his fathers name and always told one thing to his son that the day you will defeat Arjuna in a battle then you will be the best as at present Arjuna is the best archer in the world. 

So when Vrabhuvahan saw its chances he grabs the horse and invites Arjuna to fight, Arjuna tried to make him understand that you are a kid, and the fight is not good at your age. But he was standing still to his decision. So there started a battle, When Vrabhuvahan finds no way to defeat Arjuna then he used a Divya-Astra (Given by Goddess Kamakhya Devi) and to respect This weapon Arjuna stand in the preying position and get killed. 

After hearing the death news of Arjuna Lord Krishna went to Manipur, there he saw that Ganga (Mother of Bhishma)  was very happy for Arjuna Death as he killed Bhishma. Then Krishna said to Ganga that Pitamah himself told Arjuna how he could die because he also wanted that Pandavas will win the Mahabharata Battle. Then Ganga realizes his fault and told the secret how can Arjuna be alive again. Later on with the help of Ullupi (She was a Naag-Kanya and Arjuna's 4th wife) take the Naagmani and again give the life to Arjuna.

So basically He died twice. Later on he saw his son grab him in his arms and blessed him and Vrabhuvahan left the horse.

This is all about Arjuna. this particular post is mainly focused on Arjuna and its life. I hope you would like it.

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