13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana

13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana world must know 

Duryodhana was the iconic villain of Epic Mahabharata. He was one man against 5 Pandavas and Lord Krishna. Although he was shown rude, Arrogant, and self-oriented but other than that he had some qualities as per my view. So here I am going to discuss 13 Amazing facts which you should know about him.

Amazing facts about Duryodhana

1. Meaning of Duryodhana

Duryodhana means one who is difficult to battle or the one who is very difficult to defeat. We all know that in power Bheema had an upper hand but Duryodhana was more skilled and active and quicker then Bheema.

13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana
13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana

2. A Beautiful Prince

Duryodhana, the first prince of the Kaurava dynasty in the Hastinapur dynasty, was a handsome hunk. Yadav, Balarama and Krishna's younger sister Subhadra fell in love with her at first sight when she was visiting Hastinapur with her brother Balarama. Unfortunately, things changed when Duryodhana made Karna his friend and also the king of Anga.
Even Kunti said to Gandhari at the time of Rangbhoomi that she should have seen Duryodhana, How Handsome he looked.

3. Duryodhana Family

Duryodhana married to Bhanumati with the help of Arena. LAter Bhanumati gave birth to two children. One was bot named Laxman who get killed by Abhimanyu in Mahabharata. The second one is a girl whose name was Laxmana, who get married to Saamb (son of Lord Krishna).

4. Respect for talent

Duryodhana was angry at the way talented people were treated simply because they were at the bottom of society. He felt bad when Drona refused to teach the hunter Eklavya, who expressed interest in learning archery and the same happened with Karna.

5. Mentor of Duryodhana

13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana
13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana

Although Duryodhana primarily gets an education to Dron of all the martial arts. But later on the suggestion of His Uncle Sakuni, Duryodhana went to Balrama for Mace art. Balrama accepts his request and thought him Mace fighting and made him a skilled mace fighter. 

Once Balrama and Duryodhana Practicing and Balrama were very impressed with Duryodhana when he defeated his guru, so asked Duryodhana for some boon then Duryodhana said I want to marry your sister Subhadra. 

Subhadra was in love with Arjuna and with the help of Krishna they both get married.

6. An Expert with Mace fighting

He was also liked by Yadav leader Balarama, who also taught him how to handle mace (mace or club). This gave him an edge during his battle over the Pandava prince Bhima as the princes during his crown ceremony where he was to showcase his valor. He always had an upper hand over Bheema in Mace fighting.

7. Challenging the caste system

When Karna was stopped by Kripacharya by Saying that first introduced yourself and after knowing this Duryodhana came in between and Argue with Kripacharya that only a lion can give birth to a lion. So he definitely is a great warrior and we should respect him.
Duryodhana also said if you are still not ready to count him in Kshatriya then I used my power given by my father and announce Karna the king of Anga.

8. Blind Trust on Karna

Once both Duryodhana and Karna were playing a dice game in between Duryodhana went for something and meanwhile, Bhanumati came there and start play but there has been fight between Karna and Bhanumati about who's turn. So in fight Suddenly Bhanumati's garland stored and dress mismatched. Duryodhana entered and saw Bhanumati in such a situation and asked What has happened. 

13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana
13 Amazing Facts about Duryodhana

Bhanumati explained everything, by hearing Bhanumati Duryodhana laughed a lot then Bhanumati asked Duryodhana why didn't you doubted me in this condition.

Duryodhana said If you were not with someone else but my Friend Karna and I believed him more then I believe in myself.

9. Duryodhana' sister

Other then his 99 brothers he had one sister named Dushala who was married to Jayadratha. Once when Jayadratha kidnapped Draupadi during their exile, then when Pandavas fought him and try to kill Jayadratha then Yudhisthira stopped him by saying that he is the husband of our sister that sister was Dushala.

 10. Unbeatable

After the famous gambling, Draupadi was snatched by the Dushasan and ill-treated. But Duryodhana never tried to justify his acts. While others cite more excuses for his actions, Duryodhana stood apart from the crowd. The word Duryodhana means "invincible".

11. Duryodhana's Parent

Dhritrashtra and Gandhari was the parents of Duryodhana. Dhritrashtra always wanted that his son Duryodhana would continue the throne as he thought that Pandu will never return. But unfortunately Pandu died and along with Madri also left his body. So Kunti had no choice but to come to Hastinapur for their son's future.

12. Who Killed Duryodhana

When Duryodhana was lying down and shouting with pain then Ashwatthama came to meet him. Duryodhana said I want to see Pandavas head before my death would you this favor to me. Ashwathama agreed and on the same night he attacked Pandavas camp first he killed Dhrisdyumna who killed his father and then cut the heads of Pandavas (which in actual was Draupadi's son).

He came back to Duryodhana that he had done the job. Duryodhana said first give me Bheema's head. Ashwatthma picked one and put it in Duryodhana's hand and he pressed it and it scattered like coconut. Then Duryodhana said to Ashwatthama that you lied to me this can't be Bheema's head which I crushed in this condition when I have no power left in my body.

Duryodhana said that world would no that I died because of Bheema but only you and I know that I died because of your sin. You killed the innocent child who was the future of Hastinapur.

13. Name of Duryodhana's Brothers

All though only Duryodhana, Dussasana, Vikarna and yuyutsu were well known but their are other brothers also their whose name according to the order of birth, are Duryodhana, Yuyutsu, Duhsasana, Duhsaha, Duhsala, Jalasandha, Sama, Saha, Vinda and Anuvinda, Durdharsha, Suvahu, Dushpradharshana, Durmarshana and Durmukha, Dushkarna, and Karna; Vivinsati and Vikarna, Sala, Satwa, Sulochana, Chitra and Upachitra, Chitraksha, Charuchitra, Sarasana, Durmada and Durvigaha, Vivitsu, Vikatanana; Urnanabha and Sunabha, then Nandaka and Upanandaka; Chitravana, Chitravarman, Suvarman, Durvimochana; Ayovahu, Mahavahu, Chitranga, Chitrakundala, Bhimavega, Bhimavala, Balaki, Balavardhana, Ugrayudha, Karna, Kanakaya, Dridhayudha, Dridhavarman, Dridhakshatra, Somakitri, Anudara; Dridhasandha, Jarasandha, Satyasandha, Sada, Suvak, Ugrasravas, Ugrasena, Senani, Dushparajaya, Aparajita, Kundasayin, Visalaksha, Duradhara; Dridhahasta, Suhasta, Vatavega, and Suvarchas; Adityaketu, Vahvashin, Nagadatta, Agrayayin; Kavachin, Krathana, Kunda, Kundadhara, Dhanurdhara; the heroes, Ugra and Bhimaratha, Viravahu, Alolupa; Abhaya, and Raudrakarman, and Dridharatha; Anadhrishya, Kundabhedin, Viravi, Dhirghalochana Pramatha, and Pramathi and the powerful Dhirgharoma; Dirghavahu, Mahavahu, Vyudhoru, Kanakadhvaja; Kundasi and Virajas.

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