Barbarik - One Man Army - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Barbarik - One Man Army

Barbarik - One Man Army

There were only two character in Mahabharata who have seen the complete Mahabharata Battle. One was Sanjay (Dhratrashtra charioteer who was given Divyadristi by Vashishtha rishi) and other one was Barbarik about whom i am writing this post. Barbarik was the grandson of Mahabali Bheema and Hidimba, son of Ghatotkach and Maurvi, a daughter of Daitya-raj Moor. Krishna sent Ghatotkach to marry Maurvi. Maurvi had a condition that see would marry to that guy who could defeat her in knowledge and in martial arts and those who failed were get killed by her. 

Who is more talented in Mahabharata

If you analyse Mahabharata warriors and try to find the the best warrior then it becomes a difficult task as every Character in Mahabharata  had special ability such as Bhishma couldn't die as he has boon that he can't die until he with for death, Karna had Armor and Vijay Bow Similarly Dronacharya etc. 

So the best way to find the most talented is that in how much time one can finish their opponents and in this analysis no one even fall near to Barbarik who could finish the opponents within a few seconds with just the use of Two Arrows.

Barbarik - One Man Army
Barbarik - One Man Army

Barbarik first guru was her grandmother Hidimba who tought him about moral values and other discipline. Later on Hidimba insist  to Krishna that he would coach him. So Krishna tought him Shastra vidya then sent him for secret places from where he could get more divya-ashtra. In his journey he met up Guru Vijay sidhisen who was engaged in worship of goddess but certain Daitya interrupt him to complete his devotional activity.

 He asked help to Barbarik and he assured him that now you can finish your activities without any worry. 7 days and 7 night he fought with daityas so that Sidhisen can complete his worship. Vijay Sidhisen was very happy with Barbarik's service so he gave him a mantra and told him to worship the goddess as a result he got 3 powerful arrows which after use again return to the owner. 


After completing his all the sidhi (education) he return back home where he came to know from his grandmother Hidimba that battle has started among Kaurvas and Pandavas. So he wants permission to participate in the battle. She allowed him and said to go in pandavas camp and meet their Grandfather Bheema and grand uncles and get their blessings.  When Kaurvas came to know about Barbarik and his power, they afraid as he was invincible because of their supreme powers. There is a incident in Mahabharata where  Duryodhan try to kill Barbarik when he is in meditate position but Karna stop him to do so by saying that it is against ethics. 

Barbarik then moved along with his blue horse and went to Their camps. Everyone when came to know that he is Barbarik, was very happy and blessed him. After that he met Krishna and touched his feet. Krishna smiled and hugged him and move out of the camp with Barbarik. Although Lord Krishna knew everything about his power but still he behaved like he is not aware about it and asked Barbarik casually that son you want to participate in the battle but have nothing but 3 arrows and a bow.
To this Barbarik replied that Hay Guru Vashudev, only 2 arrows are sufficient to vanish whole opponent army and the 3rd one is extra.

Krishna said how could i believe this and asked him to give a demo. Krishna eyed to a tree and told Barbarik that suppose this tree's all  leaves are opponent's army and you have to kill them all. He said ok and when he went to pick his bow and arrow meanwhile Krishna Pick up a leaf and put it beneath his feet. With the first arrow he targeted all the leaves and in the 2nd shoot of arrow he pierced all the leaves included Vashudev's feet along with leaf. To this Barbarik apologize to Krishna that he has no idea that a leaf is beneath their feet. Krishna said i put it knowingly to check whether there is any way to save from these arrows.

Barbarik - Who can finish Mahabharata battle with  just 2 arrows
Barbarik - Who can finish Mahabharata battle with  just 2 arrows

Then Krishna appreciate his supreme powers and asked to which side he would fight in this battle. Barbarik said my guru Vijay Sidhisen because of whom i got these power has bind me with a vow that i will fight to the losers side. To this Krishna told him that my son then you must not participate in the battle because first you fight from Pandavas side and kill Kaurvas then as Pandavas would be winning you have to kill them as well only you will left alone.

 Barbarik realized this and said i never thought this way, what to do now. Lord Krishna then asked one more question that i tought all the shastra-vidya (martial arts) but being a student you didn't pay me back anything. It will be my pleasure if i could give you, what do you wish for Barbarik answered. Think again before making any promise perhaps later you might regret your decision Krishna said.

 To this Barbarik replied that i am grand grand son to the great Pitamah Bhishma who sacrificed his kingdom his life and remain unmarried through out his life for his father's happiness, so don't worry Vashudev i will fulfill my promise. Then Krishna said i want your head, suddenly Barbarik went to deep silence not because he afraid to die but he want to participate in the Mahabharata battle and show the world that what he is capable of. What happened son? Krishna asked.

 Barbarik replied that Hey Krishna i heard that this battle will be remembered for many centuries all warriors, If i can't participate in it at-least i could get a chance to watch this battle and cut down his head. Lord Krishna was happy with his sacrifice and blessed him that even after separating from the body, the head was still alive and conscious, then he put his head at the top of a hill from where he could see the battle. 

Later on after finishing the battle when Pandavas won the battle they came to that hill with Lord Krishna where Barbarik's head was hanging. Krishna told them all that how powerful Barbarik was that he could finish this war within few seconds and blessed Barbarik with the name Khatu- shyam. 

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