Mahabharata Katha - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mahabharata Katha

It is said that when love was divided by brothers then Ramayana happened and when the property was divided by brothers Mahabharata happened. Both are true even today's scenario. BR Chopra's Mahabharata was a legendary epic. I don't know about other but I as an individual was very influenced by Mahabharata and its title song "Ath Shri Mahabharata Katha" Sung by Legendary singer at that time Mr. Mahendra Kapoor who was very famous for singing Patriotic songs.

As we know that Mahabharata was written by Ganesha and told by Maharishi Vedvyas before it has happened. The original Mahabharata has only 10,000 sloks. It can be considered first world war as the no. of peoples participated in this battle was around 50 laces at that time. It was one of the two biggest Hindu epics, the other one is Ramayana. On both, we have TV series as well.

 It is said that when these TV serials telecast all streets looked like there is no human being is living in the whole of India. At that time only a few people had television and those people put their TV in outdoor so that everyone can watch Mahabharata. It doesn't matter what religion you are from  Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs Christians all sits together to watch it.
 Mahabharata  Katha
 Mahabharata  Katha
I put down some points for your analysis that could this battle be avoided for which so many people have to give away their lives.

1. If Devvrat (Bhishma) wouldn't have taken a vow that he will neither marry nor will have children, the scenario could be different as he was the elder son of king Shantanu, but for his father's happiness, he sacrificed everything.

2.  When the upcoming king was being elected between Dhratrashtra and Pandu that time if they initially would have chosen Dhratrashtra instead of Pandu then perhaps Dhratrashtra's thrust of ruling the kingdom might have fulfilled and he would have easily accepted Yudhisthir as King of  Hastinapura. Even Pitamah Bhishma was in support of Dhratrashtra but Mahatma Vidhur said that a blind man can't rule the kingdom and Pandu has been chosen as king. Dhritarashtra got upset by this decision as he was the elder son. 

3.   If Sakuni would not have been in Hastinapura then the world might have witnessed a different Duryodhan because he followed Sakuni blindly. Sakuni was not happy that his sister was getting married to a blind man Dhratrashtra but he couldn't oppose it as he was aware of Bhishma's power. So he decided that he would go with his sister and destroy whole kuru vansh internally and for this he chose Duryodhan.

4.    If Draupadi would not have made fun of Duryodhan when he was fallen while mesmerizingly looking at the beauty of Indraprastha. She said a blind son of a blind man. 
 Mahabharata  Katha
 Mahabharata  Katha

5.    If Yudhisthira would have not accepted the invitation of the dice game as that was considered the prime factor of Mahabharata battle. When after losing everything he put up his all brothers and wife Draupadi on stake. and after losing Duryodhan ordered his younger brother to bring her before everyone and humiliate her by trying to nude her. There were a lot of good people was sitting but no one opposed accepts Mahatma Vidhur and one of Duryodhan's real brother Vikarna.

These are a few incidents that probably slowly converted into big issues and later on proved the main reason of laces of deaths in Kurukshetra's battle.

What was the used to write Mahabharata?

Mahabharata has every emotion in it like anger, love, Hate, Sacrifice. Wisdom, Penance, politics, etc. So it was very important to convey this message to the coming generation so that they can learn from this as every character of Mahabharata had something to learn.  

1. We can learn Pitra bhakti like devvrat who sacrificed the kingdom and his life for his father's happiness. 

2.  We can learn from Duryodhana who is considered the bad boy but he was always against casteism and supported Karna when everyone was against him. Even today people won't respect those belongs to backward cast. But we should remember that at the time of birth we all are equal and to maintain the balance of society everyone has its own responsibility. 

3.    Karna one who known for his unconditional charity and his Guru bhakti. Also Karna taught us that if you willing to get anything and you wanted it like its the only thing in the world believe me you will definitely reach your goal.

4.  We should learn from Mahabharata that when society starts humiliating and disrespecting a woman that society will not survive longer or have an adverse effects.

5.   It was an incident while Pandavas were living in the jungle for 12  years. One day Nakul and Sahadev were cutting the trees for their daily routine needs. Yudhisthir saw both and told then that dear brothers we should take only as much from nature as we can give back to nature. We can see how much we have demolished our nature and its resources for the sake of development and technology.

6.   We should know,  it does not matter how powerful we are but if we are on the wrong path, we should remember that in the end we have nothing in our hands, we can't carry anything with us after death. So be humble, be kind.

7.    One can learn from Yudhisthir that whatever could be the situation one should always follow Dharma and truth. In today's world telling a lie is becoming part of our culture. We don't even regret after telling a lie because we think it's natural. 
Another learning is that Gambling is a bad addiction because neither the loser wants to wrap up thinking that he might win the next move and get everything back nor the winner gets up because he wants to win a little bit more.

There is saying one should learn from mistakes but it doesn't mean that mistakes must me our, we can learn from other's mistakes. Mahabharata is full of learning out of which a few I have mentioned above.

In my upcoming articles, I will explain every character of Mahabharata who has impactful roles. All the above information is as per my knowledge and understanding.


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