Shikhandi - A female turned male - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Shikhandi - A female turned male

Shikhandi - A female turned male 

Shikhandi - A female turned male, A character without which Pandavas could not win Mahabharata battle irrespective of Lord Krishna being their side. He was the one who became the source for Bhishma's fall on the 10th day of Mahabharata battle.

Shikhandi - A female turned male
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Who was Shikhandi

Shikhandi was a eunuch (A female turned male )and born to King Drupada and he was the eldest brother of Dhrisdyumna and Draupadi. The only motive of his life was Bhishma's death a and for this, he took many births and killed himself until he got a satisfactory life as in one of his previous births she was a Woman called Amba.

Story of Amba or Shikhandi's previous life

Amba was the eldest daughter of Kashi Naresh. This story begins when Kashiraj organized the swayamvara of his three daughters and invited kings from different countries to him, but he did not send any invitation to Hastinapur. When Bhishma came to know about this, he took the permission of Mother Satyavati to go to Kashi. Arrived and killed the three girls in a packed meeting there to get them married to their brother.

Ambika and Ambalika get married to Vichitravirya but Amba denied as she loved Shalva Naresh. By knowing this Bhishma set here free and respectfully sent here to Shalva but then he refused to marry her as Bhishma defeated him in Swayamvara.

So she came back and asked Vichitravirya for justice and said now Bhishma have to marry me as he abducted me but Bhishma denied as he was bound by his own pledge. Then she said that I will cause your death, even if I have to take birth after birth.

Then she went to LordParshurama and said that your student first Abducted me and now denied to marry me. PAsrurama was very angry and called Bhishma and ordered him to marry and if not then fight with me. There was a battle that happened between Guru and shishya in which Bhishma won, and Parshurama blessed him.

When Amba saw that even Parashurama could not harm him so she went to penance Lord Shiva and get a boon that she will be the reason for his death in his coming births. Later on, This Amba born like Dhristdyumna born from Yajna and was named Shikhandi who was a transgender.

Shikhandi’s role in Mahabharata battle

He had the main role to play without him Pandavas couldn’t win this battle. As Bhishma has a boon that he will die only if he wishes it for, then how one can kill him. That is the reason Duryodhan was so much relaxed that he could not lose this battle. After completion of nine days' fight, Pandava's army reduced devastatingly.  

Yudhisthira and all the leaders were under great threat that they couldn't win this battle until Pitamah was there side. Yudhisthir asked Lord Krishna what to do in this regard?
Krishna simply smiled and told him to return the blessing of winning this battle which was given by Pitamah to Pandavas. Yudhisthir followed the same and went to Pitamah's camp along with Arjuna. Pitamah asked the reason for coming then Yudhisthira replied that they came to return his blessing that they will win this battle. Pitamah Bhishma was shocked and asked why you want to return my blessings?

Then Yudhisthira replied that you are standing between our winning. You can't be killed and without your death we unable to win this battle and that's why Krishna told us to return your blessing. After knowing that it was Krishna's suggestion Bhishma understood everything and said that told Krishna that blessing can't be returning but yes if a woman will confront me then I will put down my bow and stop the fight as warriors don't fight with a woman. 

To this Yudhisthira asked how can be a part of the battle? I asked Krishna for this who sent you here for. Both of them return back and convey the message to the Krishna, then Krishna suggested that tomorrow brother Shikhandi would be on Arjuna's chariot as he was a girl in one of his birth named Amba.

Then Arjuna asked will Pitamah identify a girl in Shikhandi? Krishna replied if Pitamah would have been an ordinary human-being then there are chances but he is an extraordinary human he would definitely see Amba in Shikhandi. The very next day when the battle started and Pitamah Bhishma confronted Arjuna as he tried to shot an arrow towards Arjuna, Shikhandi came before Arjuna. When Pitamah Bhishma Saw Shikhandi put down his bow and it was the time for Arjuna to attack. He pierced Bhishma's entire body with arrows. Hence Shikhandi (Amba) became the reason for Bhishma's downfall as he pledged.

Shikhandi's death

Shikhandi was eventually killed by Ashwatthama on the 18th day of Mahabharata battle, Skeptical and confused, Shikhandi was killed in a sword battle with Ashwatthama, when Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritavarma attacked the Pandava camp on the night of the last day of the battle.

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