Spirituality - Sanatan Dharma

The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. It is originated from Vedas. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. Sanatan Dharma is the most ancient and also the most vibrant living traditions of the world. The best of sanatan that it treats all the religion equally and it offers its followers an entire world view and a logical and rational view of reality.

Monday, April 27, 2020



The meaning of spirituality is said to be the union of the soul with the divine in Sanatan Dharma and it requires a healthy body as well as a healthy brain. Many ways to keep the body healthy are described in Sanatan Dharma, Similar methods have also been described in Sanatan Dharma for keeping the mind is healthy.

To attain Spirituality it is necessary that we first know ourselves who we are, what is the purpose of our coming into this world because this is not our first birth, we have been born again and again in this world and have different bodies. And after many births, now we have got the body of man which is the best among all the creatures. One of the best and most complex structure of God, in all beings, man is a only creature who can use that knowledge. One can achieve what Lord Krishna had given to Arjuna, which Gautama Buddha attained, the same knowledge that Vivekananda enjoyed with meditation and self control.


 Spirituality requires healthy Body and healthy Mind

A healthy mind always produces good thoughts and good thoughts become a source of positive energy and this positive energy helps us to make contact with that divine energy source.

In sanatan dharma we have heard that people of that time had great physical and mental health. But now a days health became a challenge  for  us as life becomes so fast that we don't have time for our our body maintenance.
It does not matter how rich we are but if this body in enable to do any thing then everything is vanish as we can't use that.

Healthy Body to attain Spirituality

Healthy life has been given great importance in Sanatan Dharma. In Sanatan Dharma special attention was given to both body and brain and it was also said that whatever we eat, has an impact on our thoughts. So it is very important that we ensure that Make sure our food choices are good.

First of all, we will learn about how to keep the body healthy. There are 3 simple ways to keep you body healthy.

1.  A Nutritious and hygienic food 

In Sanatan Dharma, a special importance has been given to vegetarian food because vegetarian food spreads positive energy in the body and contrary to that  eating non-vegetarian food brings to mind thoughts like anger, greed and hatred due to which the mind has difficulty to concentrate.

Keeping today's scenario i would say 

1. Avoid junk food 
2. Drink more water
3. Avoid cold water as its slow the heart beat and has adverse effect on our digestive system.
4. Don't take protein diet in dinner.

Benefits of a Nutritious and hygienic food

Weight loss.
Reduced cancer risk.
Diabetes management.
Heart health and stroke prevention.
The health of the next generation.
Strong bones and teeth.
Better mood.
Improved memory.

2.  Proper Exercise

Along with a good diet, it is also very important to exercise. In order to have a good body, many types of Pranayama and yoga have been described in Sanatan Dharma, by which a human being can make his body healthy.

But if we talk today, no one has enough time to practice these Pranayama, our life has become so moving that we do not even have time to have breakfast properly but if we keep our body healthy then Must pay attention to exercise.

Because even if you eat good food, it is beneficial only when that food is digested well and it is necessary for it to eat well. It is necessary that we do physical exercise. Exercise reduces our extra calories due to which we feel hungry. And our food is well digested.


Benefits of Exercise

Help you control your weight. ...
Reduce your risk of heart diseases. ...
Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. ...
Help you quit smoking. ...
Improve your mental health and mood. ...
Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age.

Proper Nap/Sleep

Our body is like a machine and we all know that every machine needs maintenance, similarly our body also needs maintenance and needs rest. Good sleep also contributes to keeping our body healthy. Our body requires at least 5 to 6 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, which are risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
So a few benefits of sleep are mentioned below.

Benefits of a good Sleep

Good Sleep reduces Headache
Good Sleep reduces anxiety issues
Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy
Sleep May Help Prevent Cancer.
A good Nap Reduces Stress.
Sleep Reduces Inflammation
Sleep Makes You More Alert.
Sleep Improves Your Memory.
Sleep May Help You Lose Weight.
Napping Makes You Smarter.

Note: After dinner we should walk at least 1000 feets and take a nap minimum after 2 hours.

Healthy Mind to attain Spirituality

These are a few ways to keep your body healthy now lets move on to Mental health.
In sanatan there are several ways stated to keep your mind healthy. In today's time, when we talk about a healthy mind, some people will say to you that the people you meet will interact with good people, make contact with them and exchange ideas, then your mind will develop, your thoughts will develop. While it has been said in Sanatan Dharma, if you want to keep your mind healthy, then you know about yourself because inside you there is a much bigger  universe  than the universe that you are living in. If you let it know then you knew everything.


Meditation was one among Sanatan dharma's best approach to attain the inner peace. Meditation may be a easy way to free your mind, forgetting daily worries and specializing in mental relaxation by separating oneself from all the thoughts. to maneuver into a state of meditation involves learning to be a passive observer of one's thoughts. It doesn't mean an endeavor to suppress them or force them to disappear. 

Meditation is the method of focusing incessantly on Associate in Nursing object for an extended amount of your time. it's a mild, refined methodology that doesn't need any force or pressure on the brain. The results you get from follow increase concentration and focus. Like developing the other ability, meditation needs regularity of follow. Common misconceptions are that meditation is somewhat tough, requiring years of follow to attain any variety of result. this is often merely untrue. individuals typically feel the advantages of meditation now once their 1st session. you'll begin these days and skill yourself with simply a number of steps.


Benefits of Meditation

Meditation causes you to aware that your inner perspective determines your happiness.
The balance of a pointy mind associated an enlarged consciousness brings harmony.
A sharp mind while not growth causes tension, anger, and frustration.
An enlarged consciousness while not sharpness will cause lack of action / progress.
Reduces Stress. Stress reduction is one amongst the foremost common reasons individuals attempt meditation.
Controls Anxiety, Less stress leads to less anxiety.
Promotes Emotional Health.
Enhances self-awareness.
Lengthens span.
May cut back Age-Related blackout.
Can Generate Kindness.
May facilitate Fight Addictions.

Self Control

Self control is can be defined in many ways such as
The ability to regulate behaviors so as to avoid temptations and to realize goals.
The ability to delay gratification and resist unwanted behaviors or urges
A restricted resource which will be displayed yet, some researchers believe that self-control is part determined by genetic science, with some simply born higher at it than others.

While it's clear that self-control is important for achieving healthy behaviors, some experts believe that overemphasizing the importance of self-will is damaging.


Yoga may be a Hindu religious and ascetic discipline, a neighborhood of that, as well as breath management, easy meditation, and therefore the adoption of specific bodily postures, is wide practiced for health and relaxation. The science of yoga has its origin thousands of years before, long before the primary religions or belief systems were born. within the yogistic content, Shiva is seen because the 1st yogi  . Yoga is also a form of  spiritual discipline supported by a  very refined science, that focuses on conveyance harmony between mind and body.

The word 'Yoga' comes from the Indo-Aryan root 'Yuj', which means 'to join' or 'to unite'. As per Hinduism scriptures the apply of Yoga results in the union of individual consciousness therewith of the Universal Consciousness, indicating an ideal harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature.

Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose


Yoga increases flexibility.
It enhances muscle strength and tone.
Yoga improved respiration, energy and vitality.
Yoga strengthen  metabolism.
Helps in weight reduction.
Good for cardio and circulatory health.
improved athletic performance.
protection from injury.


So in order to know the inner soul or spirituality or spiritual power, first step to align your body and mind together in a line to approach towards the actual reality beyond this human life.
No matter how the goal is set, and the philosophy behind it, the Enlightenment traditions ultimately provide us with techniques for personal change, to move beyond our personal shell. It can be for development, service, transit, overcoming sorrows, union with a higher principle, inner freedom, happiness, etc.

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